The BrickTanks team are always on hand to assist with any queries that you may have. If your question isn't answered in one of the FAQs below, then get in touch with us by calling on +44 (0) 1823 240910 or pop us an email to admin@bricktanks.co.uk.
How much is Postage and Packaging on BrickTanks.co.uk? / How long does shipping take?
Who are Cobi sets suitable for? (Ages, Special Needs etc.)
Everything you need to know about COBI brick kits
Why doesn't LEGO make military sets?
Is COBI fake LEGO®?
Where to get COBI spare parts and missing manuals?
Does BrickTanks price match to other retailers?
What are Panzer Points and how do I earn them?
Does BrickTanks offer military and NHS staff discounts?
What to do when you've got a missing piece from a COBI or CaDA set?