Where to get COBI spare parts and missing manuals?
Where can I buy spare parts?
You can purchase a variety of spare parts from us via our main catalogue: Spare parts.
I need a spare part that is not listed on your website and I don't want to order direct from Cobi in Poland because of the high shipping costs, can you help?
We'll do our best! If you can send us a link to the part as shown on COBI's website we can add it to our next order for you.
All spare part requests should be sent to admin@bricktanks.co.uk.
I've lost the instruction manual for my Cobi set, can you send me a replacement?
All spare part requests should be sent to admin@bricktanks.co.uk.
I've lost the instruction manual for my Cobi set, can you send me a replacement?
I'm afraid we don't stock spare instruction manuals for COBI sets but you can view them online here: https://manuall.co.uk/toys/cobi/