New Stock, Discount Codes + Sopwith Camels for £20 less than Amazon!
We're very excited to announce our much-anticipated new stock arrival and a few announcements:
New Discount Code
In case you missed it, to celebrate some of the lovely weather we've been having, we've introduced another discount code SPRINGFEVER which will give you £5 off when you spend over £40.
Also don't forget, Father's Day is fast approaching on 17th June so take advantage of our discount code: HAPPYDAD for 10% off orders over £10! Offer valid until 17th June 2018.
New Pre-Ordering
Don't want to miss out when ordering the latest set? You can now pre-order brand new sets as well as some out-of-stock products in advance when you see the red 'Pre-Order' button on a product page.
New Drop-a-Hint
A bit like sharing Amazon's wishlist with someone looking for ideas for gifts to buy you for your bithday, Father's Day or Christmas, the 'Drop-a-hint' button can be found under the social media sharing buttons on each of our product pages. Find a set you'd like to receive as a gift and we'll send a subtle hint to a recipient of your choice - what could be easier?
Without further ado, here is the new stock:
Chieftain Main Battle Tank (Bovington Tank Museum) - Lego compatible COBI 2494 - 620 brick battle tank
A34 Comet ('World of Tanks') - COBI 3014 - 530 brick battle tank
Panzer VIII Maus ('World of Tanks') - Lego compatible COBI 3024 - 900 brick heavy tank
Churchill I ('World of Tanks') - Lego compatible COBI 3031 - 530 brick heavy tank
SS-238 USS Wahoo - COBI 4806 - 700 brick submarine
B-25C Mitchell MK. II - Lego compatible COBI 5530 - 500 brick medium bomber