Magnificant MOCs + More New COBI Kits on the Way!

Magnificant MOCs + More New COBI Kits on the Way!

Hello and welcome to the first BrickTanks' blog of September!

Let's kick off the month with some MOC building inspiration. For those of you interested in building and/or admiring MOCs (Models of Creation), here are some creations from our fantastic customer, Lee. Lee has over 200 COBI models in his collection and has made 30 MOCs, many of which he has shared with us over the years. Here are some of our favourites - old and new!
M45 Quadmount "Meat chopper" mounted on a lighter M20 trailer.
M45 Quadmount "Meat chopper" mounted on a lighter M20 trailer
Universal Carrier + Ordnance Quick-firing 6 Pounder 7cwt
Ordnance QF 25 pounder towed by 4x4 field artillery tractor or "Quad"
Sd.Kfz 7 half-track + Flak 88
M21 mortar carrier
M31 ARV (based on the M3 Lee/Grant)
Self-propelled 40mm gun
Bishop self-propelled gun
AEC armoured command vehicle
Munitionsschlepper ammunition supply vehicle alongside the Karl Gerat

Pre-orders due in stock next week!

With all this wet weather, we have another COBI order on the way to keep you up-to-date and entertained with the latest new releases. These are the kits due in stock next week:
Shop COBI Pre-orders
Hope you've been inspired either by Lee's amazing MOCs and/or the pre-orders due to arrive next week. If you've built any COBI kits or MOCs, please do share some photos with us at

Have a good weekend!

Warmest wishes,


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