COBI's June releases

Lancaster Bomber -

COBI's June releases

A warm and sunny welcome to this week's blog :)

What a difference a bit of sun can make. I've been out in the garden doing
some long overdue weeding, as well as planting seeds - flowers and veggies. All
this seed planting got me thinking. So many of you have been hoping for a
Lancaster Bomber set for years now, and each year COBI has told us - next
year! Well, we thought, let's get a list together of people waiting to buy a set
and see what happens. Let's plant a COBI Lancaster Bomber seed together!

COBI's June New Releases

Now for a summary of new releases coming out next month. Not all of the information or prices are available yet, see below for which ones are. Also, if there is a non-military set that's caught your eye, please let us know and, if there's enough interest we will get some in stock - email your interest to Thanks to Aaron aka CabbageFace Bricks for creating this fun, informative three minute summary video of all the new sets:
Until next week then, enjoy the nice weather when you can, and thank you for your continued support of our small business. Your loyalty is what keeps us going.

Have a great weekend!


PS. Our latest COBI order arrived today and is on the system! Any pre-orders that haven't shipped today will go out early next week.

PPS. We've added new videos to the BrickTanks YouTube channel showing you close-ups of the latest COBI models, including the new COBI-2574 Jagdpanther (see below) which is now in stock.

Don't forget the deadline for entering the Britain at War magazine competition is Thursday, June 1st. The winner will be announced here on the blog on June 2nd.

Latest pre-order updates

Due for release 7th June.
Due for release 7th June.
Due for release 5th June.
Due for release 5th June.
Due for release May 24th.
Due for release May 31st.
Due for release in September.
Now in stock!

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