3 new releases on the way + the latest news
I can't believe it's over a week into August already. The good news is we have another COBI order on the way with three long-awaited new releases on it - woohoo! Our last COBI order arrived today (Friday) so it's been a busy one in the warehouse, but we've fulfilled all the orders including the daily ones. But do let us know if you think we've missed your order! Along with the new Kubus and many restock items, we have also received a load of new COBI catalogues so watch out for those which we'll be adding into your orders over the next few weeks - most orders sent out today will have had one included. As always, please let us know if you have any feedback. Huge thanks to everyone who has emailed us photos of their built models - we love receiving them and sharing them with the community.
Have a great weekend.
Warmest wishes,
Have a great weekend.
Warmest wishes,
New in!

New releases due in stock 15th - 19th August
Standard Edition Lancaster Update
Check out the link below to see the latest images for this amazing new kit due for release early September.