LIM 5 MIG-17F East German Cold War brick plane model - COBI 5825 - 575 bricks

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Model Spec.
  • no. of bricks: 575
  • Figures: 1
  • 1:32 scale
  • Model dimensions (L x H x W) 38cm x 11cm x 30cm
  • Easy to follow instruction manual
  • Compatible with leading brands of construction blocks

The LIM-5, a variant of the MiG-17F, played a significant role in East Germany during the Cold War. Initially produced by Poland under a Soviet license, the LIM-5 was an advanced development of the MiG-17F, featuring improved aerodynamics and afterburner capabilities. Entering service in the late 1950s, these aircraft were integral to the East German Air Force's defensive and offensive operations. Known for their agility and robust design, the LIM-5 jets were deployed to counter potential NATO threats and to assert the Eastern Bloc's aerial dominance. They participated in numerous military exercises, showcasing their combat readiness and technological prowess. The LIM-5 also symbolised the technological cooperation between Warsaw Pact countries. Despite being gradually replaced by more advanced aircraft in the 1970s, the LIM-5 remained a testament to the Cold War era's intense military and technological competition between the East and West.

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